My primary sources of information are:
1. Paul Zaichik's "Elastic Steel" Splits DVD and Flexibility Book
2. Stretching Scientifically and Secrets of Stretching by Thomas Kurz
3. Beyond Stretching by Pavel Tsatsouline.
The training method I have decided to follow is pretty much the the one outlined in the Elastic Steel program. I will write a quick comparison of the three (there are only so many ways to stretch right??) and why I decided on Elastic Steel in the future.
I played around with the Elastic Steel method when I first got the program a few months ago, but really started with the program about 3 weeks ago.
Basic Outline.6-7 Days a week I will do the following morning routine.
First - joint rotations
Then - 10 minute warm-up (currently doing a circuit of skipping, floor-to-ceiling ball and speedball) plus add 5 minutes on stationary bike if my legs specifically don't feel warm enough.
Then the Elastic Steel sequence of light stretches
Last Dynamic Leg Stretches
The whole routine has been taking me approximately 30-40 minutes.
In addition 3 Days a week with 1-2 days in between will do the Elastic Steel Deep Stretches and depending on how I feel might add in 1-2 sets of isometrics.
Shouldn't be too hard to be consistent although I will have to reduce the amount of Martial Arts and Resistance training I usually do to stop from over training.
As soon as I can I will post my first photos and or videos so I get a documented starting point.