Friday, June 18, 2010

Jujtistu techniques - lapel throw

Hi guys,

Thanks for reading. Today I'm demonstrating one of my favorite conditional throws. Conditional because for it to work, your opponent needs to be wearing a jacket made of fairly strong material. So it's great for winter or if you find yourself being mugged by businessmen on a regular basis.

It's a favorite because the finish on the throw is on so quickly and efficiently, and it's a very effective choke/sleeper/garrote.

I don't usually like to rely on clothing when grabbing especially for throws. I never perform hip throws by grabbing the belt and I always perform shoulder throws by hooking the opponents arm between my bicep and forearm rather than grab their Dobok or Gi. I think it's just more realistic to train this way.

As for all martial arts techniques, you should only practice under the supervision of a trained professional and please make sure your partner knows how to fall properly.

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Hamstring Flexibility System goals


Thanks for reading. My HFS training is coming along well, 3 conditioning sessions last week and I did the post conditioning stretches after that along with some other light stretches on 3 other days.

The conditioning phase is supposed to be 4 weeks, so I will continue to do it for this week and assess again at the end of this week as I was pretty well conditioned already.

The goals of the system are very specific.

Phase 1 is to able to do at least 15 reps of each of the conditioning exercises...the balance assisted 1 legged squats are pretty challenging if you do them with a full range of motion.

At the end of phase 2 you should be able to sit on the ground and reach forward and COMFORTABLY grab the sole of your foot with your hand. 1 side at a time.

The goal of phase 3 is to be able to do the above with both feet forward at the same time.

Phase 4 is just continuing on from that.

I can currently reach forward and grab my toes but not sole of my foot.

I like the fact there is a clearly measurable goal to assess your progress.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Head control techniques


Thanks for reading. Here is a quick video of some Head Control techniques. I find these really interesting as you can see the similarities between Hapkido and Jujitsu techniques, as Hapkido developed from Jujitsu you would expect a lot of core concepts would be the same. Its just interesting to see slightly different interpretations of essentially the same concept.

Many thanks to my training partner in this video Caleb for letting me smash him.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Mortal Kombat Rebirth

For the perhaps 3 people on the net that haven't seen this yet. A very cool short film that is hopefully a prelude to a full feature length reboot of the Mortal Kombat franchise.

Just about to do my stretching for the evening, bit late today but better late than never.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Basic punching combos on BOB

I've recently cleared out the spare room and its the perfect size now to put my Body Opponent Bag (BOB) in and do some light boxing work. So I just knocked up a quick video to analyze my basic punching technique. Looks like I drop my elbow a bit on my left hook.

As for BOB, I find him to be awesome for practicing strikes. It really makes a difference to learn how to hit an actual face rather than just hitting a punching bag, plus you can practice chokes, eye gouges, pressure point strikes etc.

Its great for indoors or outdoors, although if you are planning on using one outside I would put him on a matt or something, the base can get deep scratches gouged in it pretty quickly if he is on concrete or similar.

In the video I don't quite have enough water in the base so he is moving around a bit too much, I like him to move a bit but not as much as he did tonight.

It was a great warm up for my HFS light stretches today.

Feel free to comment on my boxing, constructive comments are always welcome.

If you are interested in a BOB of your own, check him out here:
Century Bob Body Opponent Bag

HFS Outline Phase 1. Conditioning

Hi Guys,

Thanks for reading. I've watched most of the DVD program now, here is a quick rundown of the system. As I mentioned in my video review yesterday the HFS is a 6 day a week program. It involves alternating 3 days of a maintenance routine with 3 days of a progress routine and 1 day of rest. It is split into 4 phases, the 2 main ones having a set and easily measurable goal which is good.

Before we start with the actual program, Paul covers in great detail a lot of the anatomy and physiology of the hips/hamstrings and legs. He really does have good knowledge in this area and demonstrates various flexions and extensions of the hip on both a Hip model and then himself and covers the muscles on a diagram. While the explanations and demonstrations are good, CGI would have been better but I guess the cost of producing this would have been prohibitive for the type of product it is.

Phase 1. Conditioning - no set goal apart from being able to perform the number of reps and sets of each exercise with control. Most of the Flexibility experts these days stress the importance of leg strength as a key factor in developing flexibility safely so this is expected. There is a mix of standard compound strength exercises like body weight squats and dead-lifts, calf raises plus some abductor and adductor raises and also the Hamstring work on the ES GOLD (Guided Oppositional Lengthening Device). There is no resistance inherent in the device, its just 2 sets of pulleys so all the resistance is provided by your opposite can be a bit tricky to get used to.

There are 2 routines offered, a beginner which you do for a week or two then an advanced. Typically the conditioning phase is done for 4 weeks. I'm generally well conditioned so started straight away with the advanced, while it wasn't easy it wasn't particularly challenging either but it is explained that this routine is used as a warm-up for the other phases so I'm guessing its not supposed to be a gut wrencher. I would assume that anyone that does regular lower body resistance training would find the advanced routine not too challenging. I'm still deciding how long to do the conditioning phase for seeing that its not too challenging for me.

A light stretching routine follows this.

Massage is again a big part of the program.

Next post I will cover off more of the actual program and hopefully this weekend I will get to do some filming of some of my favourite but easy Jujitsu and Hapkido techniques.

I plan on first posting some techniques that practitioners of any style can learn stuff that you don't necessarily have to have a padded floor to practice safely or know how to fall from.


Monday, June 7, 2010

Unpacking / First impressions of the HFS

Hi Guys,

Thanks for reading.

My Hamstring Flexibility System (HFS) arrived today. Find my initial review/unpacking below.

I'll start the program tonight and post another review asap as to how that goes and my initial thoughts on the program outline along with any other details that come up.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010


Hi guys,

   Sorry there hasn't been any update for a bit, just waiting on the Hamstrings system to arrive. Apparently it was in the New Jersey dispatch centre on the 28th May. Should only take a few more days to get to Sydney.

I'm keeping up the conditioning routine and haven't had any actual pain in my hip lately but it does feel weird every now and again, very hard to describe the sensation. While my flexibility training is on hold (just doing very light stretching) for the time being, my jujitsu training is going well. I had the pleasure of training with a guy that was around 6'6" and weighed in at 120 kilos (all muscle). So he was about 7 inches taller and 40 kilos heavier than me!! Its a very different sensation trying to throw and unbalance someone so much bigger and stronger than you...was a really interesting and challenging session...I loved it.

I'm going to try and get my lazy ass friends to help me video a few of my favourite jujitsu techniques which I hope to put up on this site in the near future.