Right Front Open Split.
Look at the bend in that back leg!! Terrible!
Left Front Open Split.
Rear Leg is a little better than the other side at least.
Looking at my Front open splits makes me realize how little stretching of the Hip Flexors I have done over the last 20 years.
Side Split.
Long way to go
Was it always his bad? Well not quite, last year I suffered a grade 2 tear in my right Medial Ligament in my jujitsu class (at least I know the technique is effective right? ;D )which took around 4 months to heal properly. My first training session back I was stupid and went full on as I had missed training so much and wouldn't you know it, the knee was fine but my back was stuffed. All the muscles in my lower back had weakened significantly from not being able to move much for 4 months and my Erector Spinae became inflamed and aggravated my sciatic nerve from my lower back into my hip which screwed me for training for another 3-4 months.
But don't get the idea I was only a few inches off the splits and this is going to be a breeze, it was only marginally better than this before.
Looks painful!!