Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Lesson 8 review - accelerated stretching

This weeks lesson as you can see by the title is on Accelerated stretching focusing on the hamstrings. The first few minutes of the lesson are spent warning that this shouldn't be done for long periods, that you need to do 3-5 massages per day and that you need to have experience in stretching before you try this.

I was getting pretty psyched that this was going to be some serious previously unknown "secret" that would really make a difference. Turns out its, PNF stretching. He does show how to do it in a different position than I have done before.

I've only really done it from a front and side split position so it will be interesting to see how it works.

I am however going to give my deep stretches a rest this week and focus more on some strengthening with just light stretches. I've got a real basic leg routine squats, lunges, stiff leg deadlifts plus I found my old adjustable ankle weights so will also add some hip flexor work as seen in the videos below

Plus some Hip turn in's and outs and maybe some some the Warrior poses also outlined in the book.
Looking forward to next week where hopefully my lower back and right hip will benefit from some strengthening and I will get back into the deep stretches.

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Lesson 7


Lesson 7 is a continuation of the protocol set in lesson 6. Just building on RI and moving from a front line hamstring stretch into a side line stretch in the same movement by standing between 2 chairs and raising the leg first to the front, performing the exercise then keeping the supporting leg in the same spot, pivoting the torso and performing the side line exercise.

So nothing too exciting since last lesson.

I've been keeping up my morning routine and focusing again on my isometrics.

I reviewed some of Pavel's material and he claims that tight hip flexors can be a major limiting factor in the side split. I've decided to do some extra work on my hip flexors as they are very very tight. I'm getting a great stretch by putting the leg that you are stretching on a chair. Kind of like the stretch below but modifying it for the hip flexors and not the quads. You also need 1 or 2 other chairs or supports for your arms to keep balance.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lesson 6 RI in Dynamic stretching

This weeks lesson runs through a standing version of the light stretches and then on to using Reciprocal Inhibition for Dynamic stretches. I think I will miss this weeks exercises as I have a pretty painful pull or something on my right hip flexor and I really dont want to do any focused work on it.

I'm doing some self myofascial release 3+ times a day to relieve the pain in my hip which is referring to my lower back...so really, need to give it a rest for  week.

I'm still doing my light stretches and even did some deep stretches yesterday which felt ok, plus I have been doing the Krav Maga course twice a week along with my jujitsu as well. So still keeping active and training, I'd just prefer not to do any focused hip flexor work.

 I have finally succumbed and bought a VersaFlex stretching machine. The main reason I bought it is I find it really hard to get any real stretch in a seated straddle position.  I just cant seem to keep my legs out just sitting on the floor and the online course has had a few routines built around the seated straddle position.

The good ting about it is it has a numerical readout of the angle of your stretch so I can more objectively measure progress.

My max so far is 110 degrees....lol a long way to go for the full 180!! Will be interesting to see if I can get 5 degree improvement every week or two.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Some more good flexibility/stretching links

I've found a few more good sources of information on stretching and developing flexibility and added them to the links section on the right hand side of the page.

The first is Brad Appletons stretching guide - a really comprehensive guide to stretching. Essentially its a reworking of Kurz material so if you have been thinking about buying "stretching scientifically" check out this page.

The second is the flexibility section of the martial arts planet forum. There is a great guide written by the resident expert Van Zandt and he seems really active on the forum and answers a lot of questions...check it out.

Today I did my second workout of lesson 5.
My hip flexors are so weak its not funny, doing the standing slow(ish) leg raises and circles was a bit disheartening, I can hardly do the straight leg circles at waist height. I did however have a great deep stretch after though, I think I've made a little improvement on both my front open splits.

I had a few good discoveries today, firstly for my open front split I get a much much better stretch if I wear my MA training shoes, do the stretch on the tiled section of my hall and place the back foot on a small towel to help facilitate easy movement..so that is how I will do it from now on.

As for the side split, I still have been getting pain on the front of my hip, its HAS to be due to incorrect hip alignment even though I am trying to rotate my pelvis as forward as I can, so today I tried out a few different positions and think I have found one better for me, I need to play around with it a bit more but it felt better today and no real discomfort in my hips afterward.

I've also modified my dynamic stretching again, I'm following the advice on the MAP (Martial Arts Planet) guide and doing 4 sets each leg front, side and will add back.

1st set knee height @25% max speed
2nd set waist @ 50%
3rd chest @ 75%
4th Shoulder/head @ around 80%
and add 5th if I feel I can go higher still

Did this today and it felt great.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Onlne Flexibility Seminar lesson 5

This weeks lesson is a progression of last week. Its main focus is again on dynamic flexibility and strengthening the hip flexors. Instead of doing the exercises lying down, this week we are doing them standing up, lots of raises, circles etc.

There is also a new stretching mini-routine that is for preparation for the side split. The exercise is designed to "open the joint capsule" of the hip. It is supposed to prepare the nervous system and all the tendon, ligaments and muscles for the straddle or side split.

While I haven't yet done the full routine, I have incorporated this mini routine into my stretching and I have to say it feels great, this along with the mermaid mini routine from last week are staying in my light stretch routine.

Its been a busy week so far, I've just started a 4 week Krav Maga course. A female friend of mine and my girlfriends was attacked a few months ago by a guy, she managed to hit him and run off. Apparently he has raped a few girls in the area so I thought it was a good idea for my girlfriend to get some self defense training. She isn't into learning a Martial Art and never listens or takes any training advice from me so joining a group lesson was the best alternative, plus I've been curious about all the  "hype" about Krav Maga and its reality based training so I said I would go with her if it would make her do it.

Now keep in mind, its a beginners "stage 1" course that runs for 4 weeks and I'm guessing prepares you to join in on the intermediate/advanced classes. My initial thoughts are if you are looking to learn self defense in a few weeks/months and don't want to commit to an "art" for a number of years, its probably a really good option. The first class focused on kicks to the groin and palm and knee strikes on shields and focus mitts. All really basic stuff, but stuff you would probably use if you needed to defend yourself.

I doubt anyone with any decent experience in a martial art (stress decent i.e: full power strikes on targets and some "live" training, not just set sparing etc) would get a whole lot out of it, apart from a good workout) but it looks like a good option for anyone that just wants to learn some basic self defense.