Thursday, March 11, 2010

Lesson 6 RI in Dynamic stretching

This weeks lesson runs through a standing version of the light stretches and then on to using Reciprocal Inhibition for Dynamic stretches. I think I will miss this weeks exercises as I have a pretty painful pull or something on my right hip flexor and I really dont want to do any focused work on it.

I'm doing some self myofascial release 3+ times a day to relieve the pain in my hip which is referring to my lower really, need to give it a rest for  week.

I'm still doing my light stretches and even did some deep stretches yesterday which felt ok, plus I have been doing the Krav Maga course twice a week along with my jujitsu as well. So still keeping active and training, I'd just prefer not to do any focused hip flexor work.

 I have finally succumbed and bought a VersaFlex stretching machine. The main reason I bought it is I find it really hard to get any real stretch in a seated straddle position.  I just cant seem to keep my legs out just sitting on the floor and the online course has had a few routines built around the seated straddle position.

The good ting about it is it has a numerical readout of the angle of your stretch so I can more objectively measure progress.

My max so far is 110 a long way to go for the full 180!! Will be interesting to see if I can get 5 degree improvement every week or two.

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