So last night after my deep stretches in the afternoon, my legs were aching like buggery. So I decided to try out the oil massage from elastic steel. I couldnt find any Castor oil like paul recommends and I'm not sure if he recommends it because it has any specific properties or just because it is cheap and freely available where he is located. Anyway I couldnt get any so it was a choice between a sensual massage oil in the condom section of the supermarket or Goanna Liniment Oil, so I went the Australian made option. It seems pretty good so I think I will stick with it.

It definitely helped, I left that on for a few hours and then had a hot bath with Epsom Salts (Magnesium Sulfate) which also helps reduce inflammation. My legs felt much better.
I also tried the oil massage before my morning routine this morning and it felt great, I will definitely keep doing that (time permitting) for my morning sessions but it only took 5 minutes so I should be able to do it on a regular basis.
I definitely think regular massage will be important as my legs have been aching a bit with pretty much daily work on them.
Tonight I should be doing some upper body resistance training.
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